June 12, 2014

Good Morning, Sunshine!

I’m a believer of lazy mornings, of big cups of coffee, and most of all, of breakfast. Not the measly “protein bar on the go” kind of breakfast, but the “scrambled eggs, pancakes, pass me another piece of bacon” kind of breakfast.  I know that what I just described, however, is pretty rare and reserved only for the weekend. I also know that you’ve got a thousand things going on and that making a decadent breakfast is pretty much the last thing on your list of to-dos. 

But to that, my dears, I say that just because it isn’t Saturday or Sunday, does not mean that you deserve anything less than a yummy, wholesome and sweet start to your day. Actually, the simple fact that it’s NOT the weekend means that you really need a little extra sprinkle of breakfast magic to help keep you going strong.

I nabbed this recipe off of my new favorite fitness and health website, Tone It Up, run by two fabulously fit women based out of Los Angeles. It will take you less than five minutes to make and is protein packed, gluten free, and absolutely delish! Behold, my new, go- to breakfast, the Tone It Up, Perfect Fit Protein Pancake.

 Make it your own with berries, syrup, greek yogurt, or nut butter! Also, be sure to check out the Tone It Up Website for tons of tips, recipes and workouts! Enjoy your pancake and have an extra sweet day!  XO

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